Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Another 2008 Financial Goal Achieved!

Even though this month’s ugly truth showed a backslide, this doesn't mean it's all doom and gloom in Debt Dieter world.

I got paid today & I’m pleased to report my personal loan has finally dropped below $20,000! This was one of my financial goals for 2008, so I’m happy to see that one happen at last.

Goals 1 and 5 on that list have no chance of happening now (although goal 1 will be pretty close), but I am aiming to get my total debt under the $50,000 mark by the end of this month, just for my own sense of achievement.

The other good news is Credit Card 2 is now under $6,000 too, but I won't know final balances until the November 1 update.

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  1. Awesome! It feels great, doesnt it?

  2. Thanks Chicky, it certainly does, I do know I'll get there eventually.

  3. Way to go!!! Reaching one goal will definitely serve as a HUGE motivation!

  4. Woot!

    Have you started up your First Home Saver Account yet?

  5. Hi, I have been following your diligence through e-card. Congradultions!

  6. Congratulations. Always feels good to accomplish a goal!

  7. good on you! thats really great to see you hitting milestones.

    (the phone company wasn't yours :)

  8. Thanks so much guys, I do feel I'm a bit two steps forward three steps back but I think I'm making progress overall.
