Saturday, 8 December 2007

Rental Applications Ahoy!

Things are progressing on the 'find a new apartment' search. I've found four nice (as in I'd be happy to live there) places this week and have submitted applications for all of them.

I just had a call from one of the agents of the places asking me to come in and pay a deposit today as they would like to pass on my application to the owner. Hurrah!

This one is the closest to work (easy walk), only 5 minutes walk from a major shopping centre with cinemas and supermarkets.

It's close (but not too close) to major arterial roads to get me where I need to go, not to mention the shopping centre is a major bus hub and there's a rail link currently underway into the area. That may be a bit of a giveaway as to its location for the Sydney readers, but what the hey.

Did I mention there's a hay-uge storage room in the back of the garage for my very own wine cellar. *lol*

It's also the cheapest rent of the four I've applied for so far, which could end up saving me a lot of money compared to the others over the next few years.

Fingers crossed.

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  1. Anonymous8/12/07 18:51

    Good Luck!


  2. Thanks Kimberly!

    I've paid a weeks deposit, which is always a good sign, here's hoping the owner goes for my application.
