Wednesday 17 October 2007

Found Money

In my further decluttering last night I found the wallet I use when I travel overseas, it's a great little thing as it's just big enough for my passport and has an over the shoulder strap, so I don't need to take a whole handbag with me.

Took a look inside - score! I found Yuan and Hong Kong dollars in there that I hadn't converted back into Aussie dollars from my last trip in June/July this year.

Quick online check of the exchange rates this morning and there's approx $165 I can put towards recouping my cleaning costs this week. Nice!


  1. That must be your reward for realising the sign and acting on them over the past few days. I'm glad the inspection went well.

  2. I need to find some money right now to help me pay for some dental work that I need!


  3. I love found money! Good luck with the decluttering

  4. Thanks Guys! I was so pleased with myself, I got it converted this week and put it stright onto one of my cards, so I wuldn't feel any tempattion to spend it.
