Monday 3 September 2007

Sorting Out Superannuation

Another financial area I’ve completely ignored over the years is my superannuation. I’ve been lucky enough to have worked under the superannuation guarantee, so I’ve been getting 9% of my salary over the years put into superannuation by my various employers.

Do you think I know where any of those funds are or how much is in them? Of course I don’t. I’ve had 5 different employers over the years, so at least I remember that much.

That’s all going to change this week.

I’m going on a Super hunt, and whatever I find will then all be rolled over into a single fund of my choosing, rather than leave it to the company to decide what’s best for me, and to also minimise fees.

The Australian Tax Office even has an online search tool,
SuperSeeker to help me look.

Too easy, I can’t believe I hadn’t got around to doing this earlier.

Update: There wasn't anything on the website, but I've downloaded the form for the full search to locate all my super. Once I've located vereything I can look to consolidating it in the fund of my choice.

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